What are you thankful for?
As for me, it is:
My health, my home, my family and my friends.
Have a wonderful one!

Thanksgiving is coming up quickly! Lots to do and preparations for a nice time with family and friends! The kids are looking forward to seeing everyone and having fun at the farm.
Here are my signs this week that I will be reinforcing with the older kiddos. Thanksgiving is really a time to look within ourselves and know how blessed we are with what we have.
How to sign:
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
This week we have football on our mind! Our local high school won last Friday’s game and now is advancing to the semi finals for the state championship. We are excited about it and it is something to include in learning signs this week!
Here are some football related signs.
How to sign football–
How to sign game–
How to sign trophy–
How to sign win–
We are rooting for Crater Comets! Go team!
Today is Veteran’s Day, November 11th. My kids are really into history and trivia questions and I plan to share a few tidbits about Veteran’s Day during our dinner time talks. I will also share history of our family members who have served for our country. Here are some interesting facts about Veteran’s Day. They will love to hear about the last one.
It is an United States federal holiday that is observed annually on November 11th.
Veteran’s Day celebrates the service of all U.S. military veterans where as Memorial Day is a day of remembering the people who gave their lives and those who perished while in service.
November 11th marks the anniversary of the end of World War I. The war was formally ended at the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month of the year 1918.
With Veteran’s Day quickly approaching on the 11th, we are going to focus on signs with a patriotic spirit. We are very blessed to live in a country with many freedoms. I want to personally express my gratitude to all people who have or are still serving our country. Thank you so much for keeping us safe and protecting our freedom. Here are several signs that reflects on Veteran’s Day, November 11th.
America-How to sign America
Flag-How to sign flag
Service-How to sign service
Thank you!-How to sign thank you
Hard to believe it’s November already! I am excited to introduce 5 new signs this week. I am thinking of the weather as our seasons change from Summer to Fall. I will be doing these five and will be incorporating a weather theme this week in my teachings.
Fall (as in the season)- How to sign Fall or Autumn
Rain- How to sign rain
Wind- How to sign wind or windy
Wet- How to sign wet
Umbrella- How to sign umbrella
Enjoy this cold, wet day!
With the transition back to school from a wonderful summer, I am teaching my kiddos school related signs.
They take the bus every day so it’s fitting to include school bus in this week’s signs. They love getting on the bus with their friends and spending those few moments with them catching up on the previous day’s activities.
They are pleased with the selection of teachers they got this year! It should be a fun and exciting year with all their friends in the classroom.
Other signs I will be teaching are:
I am wishing you all luck and ease with your kiddos going back to school!
With a one year old baby, I have been using baby signs that are common in our daily lives such as milk, more, finished or all done, eat, nap, mama and dada. As an example, feeding times is such a special connection with mama/daddy and baby. When I cradle my child to set up for breastfeeding, I would sign milk. I started when she was about three months old. I continued repeating it at every feeding. My husband reinforced the signing by using it as well when he would feed by bottle. She picked up on the sign and was signing at 7 months old when she was thirsty. Now with her at a year old, I still continue to sign every time I give her milk before giving it to her in her cup. Getting in the habit of signing before giving your child something he/she may want will help your child associate the sign with the object. It may take several days, weeks or months before your child starts to communicate for that object when he/she wants it. Continue to use the sign once your baby uses it. Include it as part of your daily lives. Be patient… your child is learning every time you sign to him or her. Give it time. Babies can communicate physically 6 to 8 months before they are able to communicate verbally.