If you are showing interest in learning sign language but not sure how to begin, I have included some basic tips for you to get started.
Start out with the ABC’s. It is the same in American Sign Language as it is in the English Language that you start learning the structure of the language by beginning with the alphabet. I recommend that you start by watching online videos of letters in the alphabet. By watching and observing the placement of fingers and the hand shape in each letter, it will assist you visually in generating the sign on your hand.
Use your dominant hand as the one to make the hand shape. Practice in front of a mirror. Make each letter with your hand and observe what it looks like from your perspective and also from the viewer’s perspective (through the mirror). Focus on the hand shape and how your fingers are placed. As you move from letter to letter, don’t bounce your hand. It can become tiring to a person trying to read your signs. A good tip is to start practicing with your arm resting on the table or holding your elbow up on the dominant hand. Once you feel like you transition smoothly from one letter to the next, go ahead and stop holding the elbow or resting it on the table.
It is important to have patience in learning each letter. It is ok to replay each letter on video until you feel comfortable with your finger and hand placement. When you become comfortable with your fingerspelling, practice and practice and practice! Everything around us has a word associated with it. For example, if you see a BALL, fingerspell B-A-L-L. The more you practice, the easier it gets to spell those letters into words. Always keep practicing finger spelling. In ASL, it is the foundation of the language. It will help you become more comfortable using your hands and fingers while you transition into learning signs and using facial and body expressions to carry on conversations.